Who We Are

The catalyzing organization for the Coalition and Strategy is Charrette LLC, a San Francisco-based boutique consulting firm committed to initiatives with impact. We are obsessed with the tens of millions of Americans who are un- and under-employed, and dedicated to helping catalyze strategies for creating a better future of work. We label our projects in this arena Fulcrum, patterned after Archimedes’ legendary focus on finding where to place a lever long enough to move the earth.

One of our partners, Gary A. Bolles, was one of the founding team of the U.S. Broadband Coalition, a group formed in 2007 to draft a recommended National Broadband Strategy. Guided by our collaborator Jim Baller, a Washington, DC, advocate for ubiquitous broadband, the Coalition scaled to 180 organizations, including major incumbents such as Comcast and Verizon. The work of the Coalition was subsequently used to inform the FCC’s development of a National Broadband Strategy.

Charrette's managing partner, Heidi Kleinmaus, has led a variety of strategic conferences and initiatives on topics such as the future of higher education, and the growing economic gap in the U.S. Together with several collaborators, Kleinmaus and Bolles were co-founders of SoCap, SocialCapitalMarkets, which is today the largest gathering of impact entrepreneurs and investors. Most recently, Charrette produced Fulcrum, the conference on strategies for the future of work, in Detroit in November 2019, supported by Ford Foundation and Google.org.

Bolles also serves as the adjunct Chair for the Future of Work for Singularity University.

U.S. Work Coalition

© 2020